Nordic Indoor team match 9.2.2025

Tervetuloa seuraamaan Pohjoismaista Hallimaaottelua Leppävaaraan – Welcome to nordic indoor team match in espoo, leppävaara

You will find information in english below

Leppävaaran uusi hieno halli, Kameleonten, isännöi tänä vuonna Suomessa pidettävää Pohjoismaista Hallimaaottelua sunnuntaina 9.2.2025.

Hallissa on rajallinen määrä istumakatsomopaikkoja, lipunmyyntiin on linkki alla.

Athletes/Urheilijat:  teidän informaatio löytyy kohdasta ”Team manual” – your information is at ”team manual”

Lipunmyyntiin - klikkaa --- ticket sales - click here!
Kilpailun live-stream linkki - englannin kielinen selostus

Näin saavut Leppävaaraan

Leppävaaran juna-asemalta on n kilometrin kävely hallille. Urheilupuiston luona on oma lähiliikenteen pysäkki, nimeltään Grasinmäki – lähiliikenteen aikataulut löytyvät HSL reittioppaasta. Autolla Leppävaaran Urheilupuistoon saavutaan Turuntien (tie nro 110) kautta, laita navigaattoriin osoitteeksi Vanha Maantie, josta löytyvät opasteet perille Leppävaaan urheilupuistoon. 

Älä laita osoitteeksi Veräjäpellonkatu, opastaa väärää kautta urheilupuistoon. Uimahallin pysäköintialue on varattu VAIN uimahallin käyttäjille, älä jätä autoa tai linja-autoa tänne!!



Alustava aikataulu

Nordic Indoor Championships and Match 2025 
 Updated 5.2.2024
SUN 09.02.2025 
11:05W Pole vault
11:20M Triple Jump
11:35Opening ceremonies
11:50W 60m hurdles
11:55M 60m hurdles
12:10M 60m
12:20W 60m
12:25W Long Jump
12:45W High Jump
12:50W 800m
13:00M 800m
13:05M Shot Put
13:15W 3000m
13:20W Triple Jump
13:30M 3000m
13:50W 400m 2 heats
14:10M Pole Vault
14:10M 400m 2 heats
14:40W 200m 3 heats
14:50M High Jump
15:00M 200m 3 heats
15:05W Shot Put
15:10M Long Jump
15:25W 1500m
15:40M 1500m
16:00Closing ceremonies

Welcome to nordic indoor team match 9.2.2025!

Competition is held in Espoo, Leppävaara at new Kameleonten Arena indoor hall. Leppävaara is about 20min from Helsinki city center and easiest way to get to Leppävaara is public transport :

Ticket sales link you’ll find at top of this page.

At Kameleonten Arena, there is a cafe, that serves small food and hot/cold drink, not hot food.

Participants - click here!


Preliminary timetable!

 Nordic Indoor Championships and Match 2025
 Updated 5.2.2025
SUN 09.02.2025 
11:05W Pole vault
11:20M Triple Jump
11:35Opening ceremonies
11:50W 60m hurdles
11:55M 60m hurdles
12:10M 60m
12:20W 60m
12:25W Long Jump
12:45W High Jump
12:50W 800m
13:00M 800m
13:05M Shot Put
13:15W 3000m
13:20W Triple Jump
13:30M 3000m
13:50W 400m 2 heats
14:10M Pole Vault
14:10M 400m 2 heats
14:40W 200m 3 heats
14:50M High Jump
15:00M 200m 3 heats
15:05W Shot Put
15:10M Long Jump
15:25W 1500m
15:40M 1500m
16:00Closing ceremonies

Team Manual – will be only online!

Team manual updated 8th February 2025 after Technical Meeting!!


Head of Jury Niklas Lieke
Competition Director Marko Honkaharju
General Secretary Harri Lammi (+358 41 5108018)

The final date for registration is Tuesday February 4.
The registration form should be sent to

The venue
Map of the venue – Kameleonten Arena – see map below.
The address is Monikonkatu 6, Espoo.

The Hotel
Teams are staying at Heymo 1 by Sokos Hotels – 10 min drive from the venue and about 20 min drive from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. There is a free WiFi at the hotel. Hotel information:

The check-in time on Saturday is right after flight arrivals and the check-out time on Sunday is 14:00. Please note that you have to check-out on Sunday when leaving to competition, no return transport to hotel.

Not later than Tuesday February 4, all at the hotel staying teams must send name list for all athletes and officials – showing who will share room and special dietary requirements.

Meal times and places

At the Hotel:

Saturday Buffet lunch Only for teams, who has ordered them in advance

Buffet dinner At the hotel from 19:30 to 22:00 – incl. tab water, coffee, tea
Sunday Breakfast At the hotel from 07:00 to 10:00 – incl. tab water, coffee, tea, milk, juice

At the Stadium:

Sunday Buffet lunch Leppävaara stadium, cafeteria, close to venue from 12:00 to 15:00 – Menu:

Hot Dish: House Chicken Pasta (Lactose-Free)

Salad Buffet: Green Salad, Grated Carrots, Tomato and Red Onion Salad, Marinated Vegetables, Cottage Cheese, Salad Dressing

Breads: Multigrain Rolls

Drinks: Water, Hart Sport Sports Drink, Coffee/Tea

Any other drinks to be paid by the teams.

Please inform the general secretary about special dietary requirements.

Bus from the airport to the hotel according to team arriving schedules. If any changes due to the flight schedules we have received, we need this info asap. Please note that one group transportation from airport to hotel is included to the competition package, extra transportation will be added to the invoice.
All teams will be met by a local representative at the airport at the arrival hall. Bus to the airport after the match directly from the venue.

There will be bus transportation from the hotel to the venue for training (Saturday) and to the match (Sunday).

Bus schedules has been sent to all team leaders.

The poles will be transported directly from airport to and back from the venue.

Athletes and coach will receive their accreditation cards at the check in at the hotel. To the infield are allowed to enter only competing athletes and officials. During the competition we have reserved for the coaches separate places close to each event – places are presented at the technical meeting, max 1 coach per nation.

Team meetings at the hotel
Please give us information if your team needs to book a meeting room at the hotel, at what time and for how many people. A cost for the meeting room will be added to the invoice.

The venue will be open for training Saturday from 17:00 to 19:00. Bus to and from the venue starts at the hotel 16:40. Bus back to the hotel starts from venue at 19:15.

There will be possibility to warm-up with spikes before starts of 60m/60m h on main straight.

The meeting will take place at the competition hotel on Saturday February 8th at 20:00. Each team can be represented by up to four persons. Agenda for the technical meeting
1. Welcome.
2. Presentation of attendants.
• Competition Director Marko Honkaharju
• General secretary Harri Lammi
• Other personel in key roles
• The teams

3. Jury of appeal.
• Head of the Jury Niklas Lieke (Finland)
• Two more members: Erlend Slokvik (NOR) and Ulf Friberg (SWE)

4. Drawing of teams and lanes/start order

5. Routine for protests, when, where and the cost of turning in a protest.

6. Information about the venue – see enclosed map. Note the following:
• There is a separate area (marked in the drawing) is available for warm up. This is a floorball area – so no spike shoes!
• There will be a separate physio area for each team.
• Call room will be next to the warm up area. Call room timetable will be on info board at hotel and will be distributed to teams at arrival.
• After the competition all athletes must leave the venue through mixed zone, close to the finish line.
• Spectator stands are marked on the drawing.
• 60 m track is in the middle of the arena, starting at the right hands side referring to the drawing.
• Finish line for the oval is in the same place with 60m finish line.
• Long Jump and Triple Jump pits are on inside field of the oval.
• Pole Vault place is inside the oval.
• High Jump place is on the upper side of infield, inside the oval.
• Shot Put is outside of the oval, behind the back curve.
• TIC, mixed zone and press area etc. are marked on the map.
• Changing rooms and showers are in the corridor on the ground floor.

7. General information of the championships/match
• Use of lanes for each distance:
 60m, lanes 1 to 8 to be used
 200m, 400m: Lanes 2 to 4 to be used – 2-3-3 seeding.
• 800m, 1500m, 3000m: group start.

• Bar progression:

High Jump, Women:   160 – 165 – 170 – 175 – 179 – 182 – 185 – 188 – 190 + 2cm

Pole Vault, Women:   330 – 355 – 380 – 400 – 410 – 420 – 425 – 430 – +5 cm

High Jump, Men:   190 – 195 – 200 – 205 – 208 – 211 – 213 – 215 +2 cm

Pole Vault, Men:   470 – 490 –  500 – 510 – 520 – 530 – 540 – 550 – 555 +5 cm

• Call room timetable:

• Outdoor shots (metal) will be used in the Shot Put competition. Personal implements (WA certified) shall be submitted to the technical manager not later than 11:00 on Sunday February 9th, you are also able to leave your personal implements to venue after the training on Saturday.

• Spikes. In the competition area, all types of WA certified indoor spikes are allowed. Spike shoes are not allowed outside the competition area and, in particular, not in the warm up area.

• The Technical Manager shall control the poles at the competition venue before start of the event. Poles should be submitted for control no later than 09:30 on Sunday February 9th.

• The match is held under the WA Competition Rules, except that the competing order in Long Jump, Triple Jump and Shot Put shall be kept same for all 6 rounds of attempts.

8. Confirmation of the entries
• Confirmation of the official starting lists
• Last minute changes to competing athletes – only thru official doctor.

Competition timetable will be confirmed at the technical meeting

7. TIC
Is located close to the mixed zone and it will be open 2 hours before the competition starts.

There are separate matches for women and men.
Points 9-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

In case of a tie, the sum of the tying competitor’s points is divided between them. In vertical jumps there will be no jump-off in case of tie for first place. A disqualified or non-finishing (no result) competitor get 0 points.

The results will be announced on the screens in the arena, and on as soon as the results are confirmed.
Team results will be announced after every event.

There will two doctors on Sunday in the arena up to 17:00, located in the mixed zone. There are first aid personel at the infield located close to the finish line.

There will be a short opening ceremony.

The National anthem of the winning nation(s) will be played. Best mens and womens team will be awarded.

Kartat – Maps

Karttoja julkaistaan tarpeen mukaan – maps will be published by need!

Muut ohjeet – Other instructions